Thursday, July 26, 2012

What about addressing those inside envelopes??

When two envelopes are used for wedding invitations, the inside envelope should reflect the outside envelope.  For example:  Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Smith on the outside envelope should be written Mr. and Mrs. Smith on the inside envelope;  Doctor and Mrs. John Wilson Smith on the outside should be written Doctor and Mrs. Smith on the inside.  "Informal" names really should never be used on the inside envelopes.  BUT if you insist, please consider who the invitation is from.  Usually the invitation comes from the parents of the bride.  Think about it...the bride's parents don't call the groom's grandparents "Nanny" and "Pop", nor do they call their sisters and brothers "Aunt Sue" and "Uncle Bill".  So why would you want to write such informal names on the inside envelopes?  Not only is it "safer" for the inside envelope to reflect the outside name, but it's the proper thing to doYou are not being pretentious, you are being correct!  You've bought lovely invitations, you are having a nice wedding, you may even be hiring a calligrapher, why not seriously consider addressing the invitations correctly!  More on the names later...I'll be away from my computer for a few days!!

If at any time you have a question, please send it to me 
and I'll try my best to help you find the answer!!

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