Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mrs., Miss, & Ms.!!!

It is interesting how these simple words can cause so much confusion!  I think Ms. may be the reason...First let me say I like order & logic even on these topics which will explain why I even discuss them!! 

Today, I'll share some thoughts on Mrs.  

Obviously, most married women will use Mrs. whether they keep their maiden name or not.  If the woman is a widow, she usually retains her husbands name:  Mrs. John Wilson Smith on formal invitations, but Mrs. Mary Brown Smith or, if she retained her maiden name during marriage, Mrs. Mary Louise Brown is proper.

The real question comes after a divorce! 
I have found that most keep the Mrs. especially if they have children.  It is their names that changes. From my reading and research on the subject (who would think something "so simple" would require research!), I have found two schools of thought.  The divorced woman may use Mrs. Brown Smith or Mrs. Mary Brown Smith.  OR if she doesn't have children, Ms. Mary Brown Smith is also proper.  (Today, many women take back their maiden names all together.  Why not!!)

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