Sunday, September 23, 2012

Choosing the right paper for your invitation!!

I am finding that many brides are shying away from the traditional invitations.  Instead they are choosing ones with more of a contemporary feel.  Not only are they choosing more modern styles with designs, colored ink, and wording, but also they are choosing rag or handmade papers.  Since I am a calligrapher, obviously I am more concerned about the paper.  

The best paper for a calligrapher is one that is neither so rough that the nib catches or bleeds nor so smooth that it slips and slides.  While the rag, handmade papers or ones with a lot of texture are very popular, they usually are much more difficult to write on.  Some papers do not respond well to hand-dipped calligraphy.  Often the ink bleeds.  Sometimes the monoline pens do not produce a smooth line.  Carefully consider "the overall look" you want when you are choosing your invitations. 

Many brides may not realize but the paper used for the inner envelope is almost always different from the paper used for the outer envelope. How these two papers respond to the pen may also be different. 

Remember just because it cost more does not mean that it will be the best paper for you!!  

Talk to your calligrapher.  She can give you some direction.

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