Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Religious Titles-Protestant

In most protestant churches,
the minister is usually addressed as Reverend or as Doctor.  
Let's look at how envelopes to these ministers should be addressed. 

If the minister goes by Reverend and does not have a Doctorate, 
the outside envelope should be addressed:  
The Reverend and Mrs. John Smith 
The inside envelope should be addressed: 
The Reverend and Mrs. Smith

If the minister is the woman, 
the outside envelope may be addressed: 
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 
on the inside envelope.
the outside envelope may be addressed: 
The Reverend Mary Smith and Mr. John Smith
The Reverend Smith and Mr. Smith
on the inside envelope.

If the minister has a doctorate, 
the outside envelope should be addressed:  
The Reverend Doctor and Mrs. John Smith 
The Reverend Doctor and Mrs. Smith 
on the inside envelope.

If the minister is the woman, 
the outside envelope may be addressed:  
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith 
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 
on the inside envelope.
the outside envelope may be addressed:  
The Reverend Doctor Mary Smith and Mr. John Smith 
The Reverend Doctor Smith and Mr. Smith 
on the inside envelope.

The major point...
use "The" before the minister's title!

ALSO...if any of these names are too long, 
"and" is the dividing point 
and the spouse's name should be moved to the next line.
The Reverend Doctor Mary Parker Smith
and Mr. John William Smith

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