Friday, February 27, 2015

What are Zentangles (R)?

Several people have asked me, "What are Zentangles(R)?"  The computer describes it as "an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a fascinating new art form that is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity. Zentangle(R) provides artistic satisfaction and an increased sense of personal well being." A new art form, interesting!!

I have always doodled while on the phone, watching TV, or sitting in a meeting. Obviously, the forerunner of this "art form!" Little did I know!  Then a few years ago I saw artwork labeled Zentangle(R) and was drawn to the pattern and design.  I decided to try my hand at focusing my doodles.  I also decided to research it a little more closely.  

According to my research, it is a registered method developed several years ago by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas.   They have designed an approach that incorporates the Zen Philosophy and drawing designs. Click here to learn more about this method.  Also check out these patterns.  Or just google Zentangle(R).  There's lots out there!  

With all this said, I realize that what I am doing is not Zentangle(R) but doodling that is inspired by Zentangle(R).  AND that's fine by me!!  So doodle away friends and see what develops.  Who knows you might enter that "Zen" state without even realizing it!!

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